Best SaaS Website Designs You Can Take Inspiration From

To help you out, we've compiled a list of some of the best SaaS website designs we've seen recently. Continue reading this article to learn more!

Rhami Aboud
About the Author
Rhami Aboud
Founder at Arch Co. Web Design

Rhami Aboud, the founder of Arch Web Design, has actively partnered with over 200+ SaaS companies, enabling them to convert traffic into leads, drive revenue growth, and benefit from his expert sales advice.

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SaaS, or software as a service, is a type of subscription software that allows users to access and use the software from a remote location. It is a newer model of software that delivers software over the internet instead of through the traditional software installation process.

The best SaaS website designs are those that are both user-friendly and informative. They should be easy to navigate and should provide users with all the information they need to know about the software. And fortunately for us, there's no shortage of design inspiration when it comes to SaaS websites. In fact, there are so many great examples out there that it can be tough to know where to start.

To help you out, we've compiled a list of some of the best SaaS website designs we've seen recently. From clean and minimalistic designs to more colourful and creative ones, there's something for everyone here.

Best SaaS Websites You Can Take Inspiration From

Here are some of the best SaaS website designs you can find today:

1. Slack

Slack is one of the most popular SaaS applications out there, and its website reflects that popularity. With a clean, modern design, Slack's website is both easy on the eyes and easy to navigate.

2. Dropbox

Dropbox is another big name in the SaaS world, and its website design is just as impressive as Slack. Simple and straightforward, Dropbox's website is the perfect example of how less can be more.

3. Basecamp

Basecamp is a project management tool that's been around for years, and its website design has stood the test of time. With a clean, minimalistic design, Basecamp's website is the perfect place to go if you're looking for project management inspiration.

4. Asana

Asana is a relative newcomer to the world of project management, but its website design is already making waves. With a bright, colourful design, Asana's website is both eye-catching and easy to use.

5. Trello

Trello is another popular project management tool, and its website design is just as good as Asana. Clean and simple, Trello's website is perfect for those who want a no-frills project management experience.

6. Notion

Notion is a new tool that's quickly gaining popularity, and its website design is a big part of that popularity. With a clean, minimalistic design, Notion's website is the perfect place to go if you're looking for a simple, effective way to manage your projects.

7. Evernote

Evernote is a popular note-taking app that has been around for a while. Their website design is clean and minimalistic, and it's easy to use. Evernote is a great tool for keeping track of your projects and making sure you don't forget anything.

8. Kajabi

Kajabi is a popular online course platform that helps you create and sell courses. Their courses are easy to create, and they have a wide variety of features to help you promote and sell your courses. Kajabi is a great choice for anyone looking to create and sell online courses.

9. Lattice

Lattice is another great example of a great SaaS website. Its people management platform features testimonials that come from both its managers to employees to highlight differences in their key products. Interviews with people are also available, and demo tours are accessible. In other words, Lattice is an easy-to-understand platform that motivates people to give its offerings a try.

10. Petal

Petal is a banking website that, oddly enough, doesn't share the downfalls of other banking websites. That's because this fintech credit card provider knows how to keep its website simple and straightforward. Thanks to a refreshing colour pallette along with plenty of white space, Petal makes it much more attractive for individuals to get their credit cards.

Characteristics of a Great SaaS Website

As you can see from the above, there are some similar characteristics that they share. As such, when it comes to building a great SaaS website, there are certain key characteristics that you should keep in mind in order to create a site that is both effective and appealing to your target audience!

Here are some of the most important characteristics to keep in mind:

1. A Focus on the User Experience

A great SaaS website should always put the user experience first. This means creating a site that is easy to navigate and use, with clear and concise information that is easy to find.

2. A Focus on the Features and Benefits of Your Product

A great SaaS website should clearly highlight the features and benefits of your product. This will help to convince potential customers of the value of your product and encourage them to sign up for a free trial or purchase your product.

3. A Clean and Professional Design

A great SaaS website should have a clean and professional design. This will help to instill confidence in potential customers and make them more likely to sign up for a free trial or purchase your product.

4. An Effective Call to Action

A great SaaS website should have an effective call to action that encourages potential customers to sign up for a free trial or purchase your product. It can be anything from "sign up now" or "contact us" to motivate a customer to reach out to you.

5. A Strong Value Proposition

A great SaaS website should have a strong value proposition that convinces potential customers of the value of your product. Without it, customers will fail to see why they should try your product at all.

6. A Focus on SEO

A great SaaS website should be optimized for search engines so that potential customers can easily find your site when they are searching for products like yours. That way, more people stumble onto your website and come to know what you have to offer.


All in all, there are many sources of inspiration and characteristics to keep in mind when it comes to designing your SaaS websites. But of course, it takes time and effort to create one, and if you find that you're not up for the task, you can always reach out to designers for the job! They can help you create stunning SaaS websites that are effective at what they do: converting customers to boost your business!

Arch Web Design uses Webflow to create stunning and effective SaaS websites. If you are looking for the best web design company in Canada, work with us today.

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