B2B SaaS Design: Key Elements, Best Practices, and More

Whether you intend to develop a new website or update your current one, it's critical to remember best practices that set you apart while meeting the diverse demands of your potential consumers. 

Rhami Aboud
About the Author
Rhami Aboud
Founder at Arch Co. Web Design

Rhami Aboud, the founder of Arch Web Design, has actively partnered with over 200+ SaaS companies, enabling them to convert traffic into leads, drive revenue growth, and benefit from his expert sales advice.

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Whether you intend to develop a new website or update your current one, it's critical to remember best practices that set you apart while meeting the diverse demands of your potential consumers. 

If you're looking for website building companies, consider these recommended practices for B2B SaaS website design that helps you set apart in a crowded market while improving consumer accessibility.

How Does B2B Web Design Differ From B2C?

B2B (Business-to-Business) and B2C (Business-to-Consumer) sites require clear, aesthetically pleasing designs and comprehensive product/service details.

However, consumer and business needs differ significantly, impacting user experience and design requirements.

Here are some key differences:

Point of Difference
Purchase Process
Simple and quick transition from interest to purchase
Complex process with multiple stages (form filling, personal interactions, proposal evaluations, approvals, etc.
Pricing Models
Cost are consistent across consumers, with occasional discounts.
Costs vary and are often not listed upfront; multiple plans and options cater to different company sizes and industries.
Buyer Decision Making
Impluse purchases are common, with decisions often made on the spot.
The process is long and complex, with research conducted months in advance.

A great example of a website that has all the important elements for B2B SaaS is ZenDesk. They have clear and targeted website copy, multiple CTAs (call-to-actions), and various content formats, as evident in the resource section.

Zendesk Homepage
A screen shot of Zendesk website with multiple CTA.

Want a high-converting web design for your SaaS company? Book your free discovery call with our experts at Arch Web Design, and let’s effortlessly convert your site visitors into paying customers.

Key Elements of B2B SaaS Design   

No matter the scale of your SaaS enterprise, your website frequently serves as the initial point of contact between potential customers and your brand. Therefore, it is crucial to convey your company’s message effectively through excellent web design.

But where should you start?

Here are key elements to consider for your B2B SaaS website design:

  1. Headlines: Many B2B SaaS companies struggle with bland, declarative headlines that fail to engage visitors effectively. You should consider asking questions or framing benefits without drawbacks. For instance, Structure Studios' headline “Sell More Pools, Landscapes, and Hardscapes” directly addresses customer acquisition pain points.
Structure Studios Homepage
  1. Value Proposition: You should differentiate between your positioning (who and what) and your value proposition (why choose you). You can do this by using techniques like screenwriting to convey transformational benefits.
  2. SEO: Keyword cannibalization happens when different pages on a website compete for the same keywords in search engine rankings. To solve this issue, you should consider de-optimizing their homepage. This means removing keywords that are already targeted by internal pages. By doing this, you can help those specific pages rank better in search results without competing against your homepage.
  3. Testimonials (Social Proof): Elevate social proof early on the homepage to build trust quickly. Showcase testimonials and case studies that resonate with your target audience.

These strategies allow B2B SaaS companies to optimize their website design effectively, enhancing engagement and conversion rates.

At Arch Web Design, we can turn your website into a lead-generating machine and double your conversions. Schedule a free discovery call with our team today.

5 B2B SaaS Design Best Practices

Here are some of the best practices you should follow if you're designing a website for B2B SaaS  to stand apart in a crowded market while improving consumer accessibility:

1. Maintain Consistency

Consistency is important in any design, but you want your B2B SaaS website to have a similar appearance and feel throughout if you want to attract new clients or keep warm leads interested.

Colors, graphics, white space, and consistent language throughout all pages make scanning easier for the user and eliminate confusion. Customers learn more about you by making your website design simple to browse and aesthetically consumable, giving them a favorable image of your business. 

If you need help, you can also seek website development services. 

2. Make Content Shareable

Make sure your material is shareable—it's a little but important step to take while creating a website. It's fantastic if visitors visit your website and discover something they enjoy and want to share. 

You must, however, ensure that they can readily share via social media or email with just one click. Include sharing and contact links in the footer of each page of your website for simple access, and include sharing icons on each of your blog entries to spread your message.

3. Keep The Design Simple

Keeping your website design simple can provide your B2B SaaS site visitors with a more welcome experience. This includes the following:

  • Clear visuals
  • Backgrounds in solid colors
  • Well-placed and well-written copy
  • A sneak peek at what your material has to offer

By including these features, your consumers will feel educated but not overwhelmed. This is because simple websites are visually attractive. Users don't want to be distracted by overstimulating visuals, moving graphics, or auto-playing movies when they visit your site; they want to get a sense of who you are as a company and then determine where to go next to learn more.

4. Offer Accessibility

Accessibility, when combined with consistency, may help your users browse your site more successfully and efficiently. To maintain your website accessible, include the following elements:

  • Make your website accessible to your users and validate the actions they're doing to interact with your business.
  • Breadcrumbs indicate users where they came from and where they may go if they need to return to a certain page.
  • Page headers, loading bars, and highlighted menu items provide aesthetic attractiveness to websites and give visitors confidence in navigating them.
  • After a lead has downloaded an offer, a thank you page is a friendly point of contact and indicates that the download was successful.

5. Provide Follow-Up Support 

Another recommended practice for SaaS website design is to make sure your user feels as though they are assisted in any way possible. Do the following to provide timely follow-up assistance:

  • Create a specific company overview page that highlights what you can offer your customers and how they may collaborate with you.
  • Include a price table on your website, so people don't have to contact you for essential information.
  • Provide follow-up documentation once a user downloads stuff to entice them to learn more about your topic.
  • Respond to any inquiries that visitors to your site may have; make sure you do so before they have to ask.
A person working on a laptop in a cozy office setting, with a smartphone and a cup of tea on the wooden table.

How to Measure the Impact of Your Design  

Measuring the impact of your design on your product's success is a common challenge for designers, founders, and product leads. It often seems overwhelming because design is frequently considered late in the product development or growth experimentation.

As a result, it's difficult to attribute KPIs directly to specific design deliverables. However, with a structured approach and proactive tracking from the outset of the design process, you can measure the impact of your design.

Here’s how: 

  1. Set clear goals: You can increase the number of bookings per user. If you can't define how this benefits your business, reconsider the project's worth.
  2. Identify factors that influence user behavior: This requires analyzing both qualitative research and quantitative data to find patterns like user preferences or reactions to product features, not external factors.
  3. Measure your design changes: You can use a structured approach to test each change separately. Consider documenting progress using methods like A/B testing or growth experiments.
  4. Connect design results to the business goal: Some changes will directly impact bookings, while others may influence factors like user engagement or satisfaction. So, use a funnel to track how changes lead to increased bookings over time.
Young man in a denim shirt, focusing on his smartphone while using a MacBook.

4 Design Mistakes B2B SaaS Websites Should Avoid

Creating an effective B2B SaaS website involves more than just showcasing your product—it's about engaging potential customers and guiding them toward conversion.

However, many SaaS companies make critical design mistakes that hinder their ability to attract and retain users.

Here are some common design mistakes that B2B SaaS websites should steer clear of:

1. Complex Navigation

When visitors come to your website, they want information fast. Making it easy to find is vital, or they might leave in frustration. Confusing menus are common, making basic information hard to locate.

Essential pages like contacts and inquiries should be easy to find. Ideally, critical content should be accessible within three clicks from the homepage. If users can't find what they need quickly, they'll likely look elsewhere for services.

2. Having Just One CTA

A study from WordStream discovered that 94% of the top business websites have incorporated multiple CTAs throughout their homepage.

This is because visitors arrive at your website with varied intentions. Some are interested in exploring your products, others want to read your blog, and some are ready to purchase immediately. 

So, including CTAs tailored to these different intentions ensures you engage all segments of your audience effectively.

3. No Social Proof

Your website is perfect for promoting your company's social media channels. Despite misconceptions, social media offers both B2C and B2B sectors valuable opportunities. 

Many websites bury social links in dense content or omit them entirely, missing engagement chances. We suggest placing social media buttons in the footer of every page for easy discovery and follow-up.

4. Inconsistent Design

A common mistake in B2B SaaS websites is that they lack a consistent design theme. Some businesses fear using the same design elements throughout could be dull. But, research shows our brains prefer familiar brands.

Keeping fonts, colors, and imagery consistent across your site is essential for building your brand identity. If a page looks different, it can confuse users and lower their interest.

At Arch Web Design, we can help you create a captivating website that ticks all the boxes and gets you maximum conversions. Book a discovery call with us today!

Coding session with two developers focused on their laptops and a cup of coffee.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Before wrapping up, here are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding B2B SaaS design:

What Role Does User Experience (UX) Play in B2B SaaS Design?

User experience (UX) is crucial in B2B SaaS design as it directly impacts user satisfaction and productivity.

A well-designed UX can streamline complex workflows, reduce user frustration, and increase adoption and customer retention.

Should I Hire a Design Agency or Handle The Design In-House?

Choosing between a design agency and handling the design in-house depends on your company’s resources and expertise.

Design agencies offer specialized skills and diverse experience, but in-house teams provide closer alignment with your company’s goals and continuous iteration capabilities.

What Tools are Essential for B2B SaaS Design?

Essential tools for B2B SaaS design include wireframing and prototyping tools like Figma or Sketch, usability testing platforms like UserTesting, and analytics tools like Google Analytics or Hotjar.

These tools facilitate the creation of intuitive interfaces, allow for user feedback collection, and provide insights into user behavior to inform design improvements.


Maintaining an accessible, clean, and consistent B2B SaaS website and providing excellent contact points between you and the user will set you apart from the competition and establish you as a trustworthy source. If you need help in doing so, collaborate with a web development company. 

Arch Web Design is a web development company situated in Ottawa, Canada's capital. We create beautiful, high-converting websites for SaaS companies using Webflow. If you need help with web design and development, contact us! 

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