5 SaaS Landing Page Tips to Increase Your Online Conversion

Here are five tips to help you design a SaaS landing page that will make visitors stay and convert into paying customers. Read on to know more!

Rhami Aboud
About the Author
Rhami Aboud
Founder at Arch Co. Web Design

Rhami Aboud, the founder of Arch Web Design, has actively partnered with over 200+ SaaS companies, enabling them to convert traffic into leads, drive revenue growth, and benefit from his expert sales advice.

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As a SaaS company, your website's landing page is one of the essential tools in your conversion arsenal. It is the first thing potential customers will see when they visit your site, which is crucial to making an excellent first impression.

Unfortunately, many SaaS companies mistake treating their landing page as an afterthought. They throw up a generic design and fill it with generic copy, hoping it will be good enough to convert visitors into customers. However, this is not how to optimize your landing page for conversion.

Instead, you need to take a more strategic approach. Your landing page should be explicitly designed with conversions in mind. 

To do this, here are five tips to help you design a SaaS landing page that will make visitors stay and convert into paying customers:

Design With Mobile Users in Mind

If your website isn't optimized for mobile, you're missing out on a lot of traffic and potential customers.

When creating a mobile version of a website, it is crucial to consider the types of interactions that users will have. The page structure should be simplified for easy navigation. 

Avoid using pop-ups or other intrusive elements that could make the experience cumbersome on a small screen. It is also essential to ensure that all content is legible and easy to interact with; buttons and links should be large enough to tap on without difficulty.

If you don't make an effort to communicate your product well on mobile devices, you'll see fewer conversions. Loom, a video-messaging service, has done a great job translating the interactive components and visual storytelling from its website to mobile devices. When necessary, it simplifies the content architecture and uses an alternative approach for tabs.

Showcase Value to Achieve Your Goals

For many consumer software service providers, the goal of the landing page is to encourage users to sign up for a free service trial. Once the free trial period is over, the customer can then choose to transition to the paid version of the service, or they may continue to use the basic, free version of the service. Some service providers also offer additional features for customers who pay for them.

For instance, Slack provides the best example for showcasing the value of achieving specific goals. They have a landing page that convinces users that Slack is a valuable productivity tool worth signing up for. It highlights the various benefits of using this tool, such as efficiently communicating with team members and working with external teams. 

Allow Users to See How It Works for Them

To build trust with your customers, you need to show them that you understand how they will use your product. By demonstrating how your product fits into their routine, you can quickly answer any questions they might have and reduce any uncertainty they may feel. You can do this by providing a landing page with a time-lapse animation of how the SaaS product works.

Allowing potential customers to try out your product helps them overcome hesitations about making a purchase. It also allows you to build trust by demonstrating that you are confident in your product and committed to providing a positive user experience.

Choose Relevant and Effective Hero Image

To keep a user's attention on your website, you have to be very choosy in what you display. This is especially difficult for a SaaS product because there is no physical product to show. You must highlight the product's features and address any questions the user may have without including any unnecessary or distracting information.

Asana is a project management tool that allows users to customize it to their specific needs. The team behind Asana does an excellent job of highlighting how it can be customized through screenshots. This makes it clear to potential users how Asana can be used to increase productivity and organization within their projects.

This means that instead of just listing off a product's features, it might be more effective to focus on the benefits that those features provide. This can be especially helpful if the product is difficult to visualize or has many intricate details. 

Build Trust From Customers

When building trust with your website visitors, it is essential to consider every element of the user experience. From the moment a visitor arrives at your site, you have an opportunity to make a positive impression and build trust.

This is especially important for SaaS products. When customers are considering whether to buy a new product, they might be worried about how complicated it will be to learn and use. They might also be concerned about giving a new company their contact and payment information. These valid concerns can make it hard for customers to justify the purchase.

But how do you build their trust?

One way to do this is by ensuring that your site design is professional and polished. This sends the message that you are a serious business that takes pride in its online presence. Additionally, using clear and concise language on your website will help visitors understand what they can expect from your product.

Another way to build trust with potential customers is by providing social proof. This could include testimonials from satisfied users, case studies detailing how your product has helped others achieve their goals or even positive reviews from third-party sources. Seeing that others have succeeded with your product will give potential customers confidence that they can too.

Finally, transparency is one of the most important ways to build trust with website visitors. Be upfront about what information you are collecting, why, and how you plan to use it. Additionally, be clear about any fees or charges associated with using your product. No one likes surprises, so being upfront about everything will help build trust with potential customers.


An effective SaaS landing page is critical to the success of your website. It will help you convert more visitors into leads and customers, ultimately boosting your bottom line. By following these tips, you can ensure that your landing page is optimized for conversion and that your visitors are more likely to take the desired action.

SaaS website development services from Arch Web Design will help you create an effective landing page that converts visitors into leads and customers. Our team of experienced designers and developers will work with you to create a custom website that meets your specific needs and goals. Let us help you turn your website into a powerful marketing tool that generates leads and sales for your business! Contact us today to get started!

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